We are Australian parents and family members of people who have suffered mental health side effects from taking montelukast. Some of us are also members of the Montelukast (Singulair) Side Effects Support and Discussion Facebook Group. The Facebook group has more than 21,000 members, including over 1000 Australians, although this website is an independent, separate entity.
Our children and families suffered the devastating consequences of montelukast’s neuropsychiatric side effects for years. We were not aware of the link between montelukast and the mental health problems that emerged while our loved ones were taking it. We took our distressed family members to family doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians and neuropsychologists. All these health professionals also failed to make the connection between montelukast and our loved ones suffering.
Many of us discovered the link ourselves only after Googling or seeing a media report that exactly matched our experience. We established this website because we do not want any other child, adult or family to suffer as we have. We believe many people are unaware the montelukast they take or give their child is actually causing their mental distress.
Sign and share the petition to insist Australian consumers are adequately warned about the potential mental health side effects of this drug.
Contact us
Please note: This email is provided for media inquiries, researchers, people who have questions about this website content and for those who wish to help with advocacy around this issue. We do not have the resources to offer individual support or advice and emails requesting such will not be responded to. If you need support or advice, please see the section If you suffer side effects.
You can contact us at admin@montelukastsideeffects.info